
Growth Tribe

Average Rating4.65
22 Reviews
12 Courses

Growth Tribe offers online bootcamps in Growth Hacking, UX Design, Data Analytics, and Business Leadership. Growth Marketing Immersive is a 6-week bootcamp where students will learn how to work with soft and hard data. UX Design is a 12-week bootcamp where students will learn interaction design, visual design, and execute a UX design process end to end to solve a real-world problem, design a new product, or redesign an existing product. Data Analytics students will learn tools such as Dataiku, Colab, Orange, Aws, Python, NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotilb. Growth Hacking Immersive is a 12-week bootcamp where students learn how to discover new channels for growth, piggyback competitors, and build Conversion Centric Ads. 

At the beginning of each bootcamp, students will take a User Capability Scan, a personal assessment designed to determine their strengths and main improvement points. Bootcamp content will then be adapted to fit each student’s needs and goals. Learning happens through a combination of live interactive classes, personal coaching sessions, homework & exercises, and access to on-demand course material. 

There is no application process. Anyone is welcome to enroll in Growth Tribe bootcamps.  

Bootcamp graduates will receive a Growth Tribe certification of competence. Students will also receive a virtual copy of this certificate that can be used on a LinkedIn profile. Alumni receive lifelong access to course materials and support from trainers and peers in Growth Tribe online communities.

22 Growth Tribe Reviews

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  • Stefan
    Head of Marketing • Student • Growth Strategies Certificate (3 days) • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jul 14, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Big promises, mediocre delivery, dormant community.

    I joined the course with plenty of expectations. The call I had with the person selling the course to me made it seem like the course was very intense, and as a crash course I made sure to clear my schedule for 3 days so I can focus and learn uninterruptedly. 

    The result: 3x 3.5h sessions, with plenty of breaks, surveys, and lectures which aren't even recorded and slides only shared after the whole course is finished, so you can't even review what you did that same day.
    - The c...
  • Juan Carlos Zuloaga
    CVO & • Graduate • Growth Marketing Diploma (12 weeks) • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jul 01, 2021
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    Job Assistance

    Your future is now! It´s never too late to learn!

    Your future is now! It´s never too late to learn! Growth tribe changed the way how We get the job done. Google, SEO, and Digital Marketing were never as fun for us as it is Today! Thanks for all the knowledge; Growth Tribe! 

    I just run this sentence as well through the  tool, till I got the score I was looking for in content value.  This is also one of the hundreds of tools that I got to know and love to use after my course with Growth tribe!  <...
  • Neil Gursahani
    Growth Marketing Manager • Graduate
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    Jun 24, 2021
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    Growth Manager

    I completed the 6-month Growth Hacking and A.I. Traineeship back in 2019 and I believe it is to this day the most impactful learning experience that I've ever had. I canceled enrolling in my Master Program so I could attend this traineeship and I cannot stress how happy I still am with my decision!

    Growth Tribe took me from knowing little to nothing about growth marketing and converted me into a growth expert in 6-months. The constantly updated curriculum, coaching support, and pe...
  • Giovanni Rossi
    Head of Marketing and Phygital Development • Graduate • Growth Marketing Diploma (12 weeks) • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 24, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very interesting and interactive

    The experience of learning with Growth Tribe has been very interesting and interactive. The pace was perfect and the information very useful and substained by excercies. 
  • Joanna Kurkowska
    Data insights Analyst • Graduate • Data Analytics Diploma (12 weeks) • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 24, 2021
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    Data Insights Analyst

    Having been a student of GT and even though I have finished the course almost a year ago, the GT approach and mindset are still with me. It has changed me from a data n00b to a person who can combine data analytics with business goals, who can be a part of a data business project, and can get real-life impact work done. From a hands-on approach to a deeper knowledge of many of the data world tools - the 3 months I've spent in GT were not only like fuel for my learning process but a life-...
  • Nazanin Masihkhah
    Nazanin Masihkhah
    Graduate • Digital Marketing Certificate (1 day) • Online
    Aug 09, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Navigating Growth Tribe: A Participant's Perspective

    While Growth Tribe offers a structured approach to its courses, I found the overall experience to be less than satisfactory. Here are my main concerns:

    1. Value for Money: I invested 1000 euros expecting a premium service, but the course did not live up to its price tag. The service level was significantly lower than anticipated.
    2. Customer Service: The responsiveness and efficiency of the customer service team were ...
  • Tess
    Growth Specialist • Graduate • Business Analytics Crash Course (3 days) • Online
    Jul 16, 2021
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    3 Day Business Analytics Course Review!

    Great course! What a ride! 🎢

    The trainers are great! Energized, very knowledgeable, and impressive how clearly they can explain the more technical aspects to data newbies like me. Even in the online setting, it was very engaging training. Good discussions and everyone could ask for feedback / 1:1 advice on their own case/challenges. 

    I highly recommend this one if you want to learn more about Data in just 3 days and implement your learnings straight away!  
  • Laurens
    Product Manager • Graduate • Data Analytics Diploma (12 weeks) • Online
    Jul 09, 2021
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    Super hands-on, relevant and impactful courses

    I was completely blown away right from the start of the course I took. It was super engaging and hands-on, and I was able to directly use what I learned in some of my current projects at work.
  • Lucia Apostol
    Lucia Apostol
    Events Manager • Graduate • UX Design Diploma (12 Weeks) • Online
    Jul 05, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Got started in UX and designed an app in just 12 weeks

    This is honestly a great course, I was not only able to upskill and update my competencies, but I also had the chance to gain a new understanding of how I work and change my mindset a bit. 
    The course is amazing to get started in UX and also understand the industry as it is thought by professionals in the field, but you need to put in some work as well. It was an intense 12-weeks but the end-project made it all worth it! 
    I highly recommend this course! 

  • Sean
    Househam • Student • Business Analytics Crash Course (3 days) • Online
    Jul 02, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Out with the old, in with the new!

    Growth Tribe is rooted in modern day teaching techniques with some great courses. Just completed the Data Analytics course with them and it was really well structured - would really recommend.
  • Fabian
    Graduate • Data Analytics Diploma (12 weeks) • Online
    Jul 01, 2021
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    Data Analytics Course Highly Recommended

    I looooooved the data analytics course. Over 12 weeks I learnt all I needed to know to upgrade my rusty excel skills and take reporting to the next level at my job. My manager was suuuper impressed and now knows that I am serious about that promotion I've been waiting for.
  • Daan
    Innovation Manager • Graduate • Data Analytics Diploma (12 weeks) • Online
    Jul 01, 2021
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    Job Assistance

    This course left me a better 21st century manager!

    This course did a really great job at teaching me the end-to-end process (data gathering, cleaning, structuring, analyzing, and reporting) I need to be a more independent data analyst within the scope of my role (innovation/product management). 

    Whilst I'm certainly not aspiring to be a fully-fledged data analyst myself, you just need a.basic level of data skills in a rapidly digitizing world. What this course did for me is it empowered me to answer business questions using data m...

Growth Tribe Alumni Outcomes

Recent Growth Tribe News

Harry Hantel
Harry Hantel
Updated May 12, 2023
Coding bootcamps offer a chance to learning the finer points of building digital products, but what about when the product is finished? Digital marketing has risen to become a fundamental part of most businesses as they try to reach more people, more effectively. These part-time digital marketing bootcamps teach the fundamentals of creating and managing campaigns, as well as the necessary too...

Growth Tribe Alumni Reviews Summary

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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Growth Tribe News

How much does Growth Tribe cost?

Growth Tribe costs around €5,000. On the lower end, some Growth Tribe courses like Design Thinking Certificate (12 hours) cost €980.

Where does Growth Tribe have campuses?

Growth Tribe teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Growth Tribe worth it?

Growth Tribe hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 22 Growth Tribe alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Growth Tribe on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Growth Tribe legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 22 Growth Tribe alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Growth Tribe and rate their overall experience a 4.65 out of 5.

Does Growth Tribe offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Growth Tribe offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Growth Tribe reviews?

You can read 22 reviews of Growth Tribe on Course Report! Growth Tribe alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Growth Tribe and rate their overall experience a 4.65 out of 5.

Is Growth Tribe accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Growth Tribe doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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